How is this hockey-related? I almost made Paris into Parise (since I accidentally put the 'e' after Paris when I typed it). And, well, this is important.
The only reason Ms Hilton is doing time is because she's rich. The judge who sentenced her to 45 days (which is back to that after being lowered to 23. She now has 40 days left) said himself in several interviews that he was making a point that celebrities can't get away with everything. That is what really got to me. Here you have Paris, who was pulled over three times and was caught both drunk and with a suspended license, and Lindsay Lohan going out and getting drunk, smashing cars, nearly killing people and driving drunk all the time. It wouldn't be nearly as bad (not that it would be good either) if she wasn't only 20. Not only have pictures of her doing drugs and getting drunk been in magazines and newspapers for over three years, but she's only 20. Drugs are illegal no matter how old you are, and drinking isn't legal if you're under 21 (yeah, no duh). So why aren't they cracking down on her, or the people who are serving her alcohol? Lindsay is just as famous as Paris. They need to do something about her and all those other underaged girls before they worry about Paris. They could have done much worse things to her, like having gurads tail her and not let her shop for a month. It may sound stupid, but come on. It's Paris Hilton. There's no worse punishment for a girl like her than not letting her shop. Even two months of house arrest would be worse for her- if she wasn't allowed access to the internet, phones or any other form of communication.
Again, the judge was way out of line with this sentence. They should worry a little more about those 18 year olds who are out getting drunk, crashing cars, and hurting people and a little less about Paris who didn't harm anyone at all.

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